Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Why the iPad is not the right choice for screenwriting

We've all got one or we all want one. They're the hottest thing on everyone's birthday list, you can take them anywhere & everywhere and you can get an app to do practically any task you can think of. Including screenwriting.

Final Draft recently announced that they would soon be releasing an iPad version of their software, and everyone who's a screenwriter with an iPad is waiting eagerly for that. Apart from me it seems - I just kinda went, "huh?".

You see, anyone who's used an iPad for writing over a sustained period of time - be it emails, notes, Pages or whatever will know that whilst it's convenient to be able to do those things on the move, there's no replacement for a real keyboard.

Aha! I hear you say, just buy a Bluetooth keyboard! Duh! And you'd be right, that would kinda solve that issue, but then what you end up with is essentially a broken-in-two laptop. Not the best solution to carry around with you, so by that time you'd already be better off with something like a Mac Book Air.

The other problem is surface. Writing on an iPad (and this post was written on an iPad, in bed) requires a good steady surface - like a desk, perhaps - for reaching any kind of respectable typing speed. Balancing on your lap (or my knees as I'm doing now) just won't do for writing anything other than a quick blog post or email.

To write properly the tool that you use needs to be transparent to the process and not a constant reminder that you're actually pressing your fingers on a bit of glass with make-believe keys. You need a good desk, or a place that you can call yours - your zone - with a good steady surface, a proper chair and plenty of room to put down your favourite beverage and a note pad. You also need a good keyboard (they all have a different feel) and a good clear monitor.

Yes, the iPad is GREAT, don't get me wrong, it's perfect for browsing whilst out and about, or checking emails whilst being sat on the sofa. I love the iPad. But using it to write a screenplay would be like running a marathon with one arm behind your back and your laces tied together - you could do it, sure, but it wouldn't be the most efficient way of doing it and would take far longer.

I have been asked by many people, both during the course of developing Movie Draft SE and after its release: "are you going to make an iPad app?" and my answer is always a simple, flat "no, sorry".

The trouble is, because the iPad phenomenon is "cool" and "down with the kids" there's a tendency to think that you "need" to use it as a replacement for a desktop or laptop, but the truth is that both have their strengths and weaknesses and typing for sustained periods is not one of the iPad's strengths. It's as simple as that.

You wouldn't decorate your house with an artist's paint brush now, would you...?



  1. I agree that the iPad is not the ideal long-term writing implement; however, we can't always be in front of our desktops. And many are eschewing their laptops in favor of the more portable iPad. So while the iPad is not ideal, it may be the only thing available when inspiration hits. And most writers know that inspiration can hit at the strangest times. Think about an idea that hits you on your morning bus, train, or subway commute to work. Now you could open up Notes and jot down your witty dialog or blockbuster action sequence the best you can with Note's limited formatting tools, but wouldn't it be great if you could use the right tool for job? One that you have a mastery of in constructing scenes? One that you don't have to "make due" with but actually gets out of your way and allows you to express your creativity as best as possible? Something to think about.

  2. I agree - I find these days, my laptop tends to stay at home or the office, but my iPad is with me almost all the time (much to the chagrin of my girlfriend!)

    Having an iPad version - even knowing its limitations for text input - would be darned handy. Plus, I know it's a bit sad to admit, but I quite like the idea of shuffling my notes and ideas around with my fingers!

  3. I agree as well. I'll use my laptop to screenwrite when I can, but I'll definitely be buying the final draft iPad app because I might get an idea when I'm out and about. Seeing as how movie draft improves in many ways on final draft, I was saddened by this post. If there were a movie draft iPad app, I'd prefer it over the final draft one. Maybe I wouldn't use it the same way I use my laptop when I have a good stretch of time to write in, but it's still a valuable tool. Also, some people just don't mind the touch keyboard, even though you do.

  4. Hi All, I appreciate that there's a demand for an iPad screenwriting app, and if I had unlimited resources I would probably create one as a nice-to-have, but at this moment in time that's all it currently is, a nice-to-have.

    Being a one-man operation I have not the time currently to start a brand new development on an iPad version of Movie Draft no matter how many people would like it because that would mean neglecting Movie Draft and its development.

    I guess if Movie Draft was mature, had been around a while and didn't need much work or resources then sure, why not, but my plate is currently overflowing at the moment what with being the web designer, developer, customer service and marketing wannabe guy. :-)

    If Movie Draft takes off (which I'm hoping it will!) then I can employ another developer and then things get interesting, but until then I have to stay the course.

    1. With all due respect, you probably should have said that - the truth - rather than that transparently absurd attempt at a justification on moral grounds using lots of "quotes". Just be honest mate.

  5. iPad may not be perfect for typing but the hard truth is people are using it. The market needs a good screenwriting app that syncs with the iPad. Celtx does it and its free. Final Draft will do it soon. But both have pitfalls. Movie Draft can fill that gap. Please rethink it because you will be left behind as it's a feature people want and will need no matter what.

  6. Hmm. Posted this on the 12th but noticed that it didn't come through, so I'll post it again:

    Hi All, I appreciate that there's a demand for an iPad screenwriting app, and if I had unlimited resources I would probably create one as a nice-to-have, but at this moment in time that's all it currently is, a nice-to-have.

    Being a one-man operation I have not the time currently to start a brand new development on an iPad version of Movie Draft no matter how many people would like it because that would mean neglecting Movie Draft and its development.

    I guess if Movie Draft was mature, had been around a while and didn't need much work or resources then sure, why not, but my plate is currently overflowing at the moment what with being the web designer, developer, customer service and marketing wannabe guy. :-)

    If Movie Draft takes off (which I'm hoping it will!) then I can employ another developer and then things get interesting, but until then I have to stay the course.

  7. the ipad doesnt have a cooling fan and is therefore silent. which is nice while working..

  8. iPad or iPhone, a mobile solution for your Mac app would be an awesome companion for screenwriters on the go. You'd be surprised how much work one can get done on either device (and I have my iPhone, basically a computer, with me in my pocket, ready to use... and I do not lug around a laptop any longer because it's less convenient and "not ready" when I need it on the go). Realizing you're a one man show, if you do ever get to an iPad version, please make it universal for the iPhone as well. Just a suggestion. :)

  9. OK, you've all twisted my arm. :-) I will try and find some time to start work on an iOS version towards the end of the year.


  10. Just would like to say that I just purchased Movie Draft SE and love it so far. I would like to add my voice to those who encourages you Mark towards the iPad version.

    More and more, we spend our time between our computers and iPads (and iPhones), and I know that given a choice between two apps, I will always consider strongly the advantage of being able to jump from my computer to an iPad seamlessly. Like the other mentioned, for a writing app, it's actually crucia since we never know when imagination will hit us.

    I understand your time limitation, but I really hope Movie Draft takes off and allows you to spend some energy on an iOS version.


  11. Good choice. It's nice to combine things you care about, or even love. Please make version compatible with girlfriend.

  12. It would be nice for MD users if it had an iPad version. Final Draft doesn't have one (and who knows if it ever will at this rate), but Fade In Screenwriting Software has one.

  13. I agree with all the comments, a mobile version of this wonderful app would be ideal. Please make it Universal so iPhone users can use it too.

  14. I'm a screenwriter who actually gets a ton of brainstorming done using the simple and elegant ia Writer for iPad (I use a BT keyboard for big writing sessions.) I was so impressed with it, I later bought the DESKTOP APP to sync with it!

    My point is Mark, there truly is a market for a simple and elegant screenwriting app for iPad - and I think Movie Draft could be the answer we've been waiting for. Who knows? When people buy your version, all of sudden many of them will want your desktop solution as well for perfect harmony! Your audience will exponentially grow!

  15. I personally would love to see an iPad app materialise at some point soon. Of course it won't replace the tools found on an actual Laptop or PC, but for some sat on a 3 hour train journey and an idea comes into their head and wants to work on it there and then, the ability to sync a script from the cloud and continue on a new scene, save it, and continue from the cloud back on their computer later on... it would be an incredibly useful tool.

  16. I almost agree with you, however your review is based on the assumption that a keyboard will be used to write on the ipad.

    There are many apps available that allow you to "write" on the ipad using a stylus. Your handwriting is converted into text, I prefer this to typing.

    Is anyone aware whether this is possible with any screenwriting software packages?

  17. Any news on the iPad/iPhone app. I have the laptop version, but I can't tell you how many times I've been out at a restaurant, or in a restroom stall, or standing in line at the post office, or walking my dog, and inspiration strikes. When these epiphanies hit me, I am almost always stuck with only an iphone in my pocket. And never mind typing or using a stylus, now you can dictate to your device and it will write the text for you. This is a game changer. It would be great to be able to dictate to my iPhone, right inside your Movie Draft app, and have it automatically update in my script at home. Yes, I spend most of my time writing on my laptop, but some of my best ideas come when I'm not at my computer, and this app would make my workflow much more efficient. A great screenplay is not one great idea, it's a million great ideas... and many of those ideas strike when you are away from your laptop. Please make my dream a reality by creating an iPad/iPhone app that synchs with your awesome desktop app, and you'll have the best product on the market by far. Fingers crossed!

  18. Two years and no IOS version? I may have to jump ship to Final Draft : (

  19. 3 years ago you wrote "OK, you've all twisted my arm. :-) I will try and find some time to start work on an iOS version towards the end of the year"... Whats happening with the iOS version? I bought Movie Draft after reading your promise... What a disappointment!

  20. You may be probably right, an iPad is still not the best solution when it comes to writing.

    I am a iPad user from the first day and it is a fantastic tool, especially when it comes to bundling all your interests in a small and portable device. I use my iPad for music (listening, recording, training, scores...), movies, learning Japanese or iOS programming, surfing the web or just to have all my important stuff with me. Gone are the days with tons of books in my suitcase. :-)

    Back to the topic. I would see a great benefit in using the iPad as a MusicDraft reader that is always up to date. You could share a script easily and quickly between actors, producers and editors. I could even see more possibilities and after a few days of trying out this fantastic screenwriter application, I was already looking if such an addition for iOS exists.

    I think this is worth a thought :-)
