Monday, 4 April 2011

Goodbye SceneWriter, hello Movie Draft...

Many moons ago, I wrote a simple but effective PC-only program for writing screenplays called SceneWriter Pro. At its heart was the notion that it would be far better to write a screenplay on a scene-by-scene basis as opposed to a page-by-page basis. This was the beginnings of things for me and became an obsession to create the perfect screenwriting application from its inception.

Unfortunately, I took SceneWriter Pro as far as I could take it because of the way I had written it. I had to start again from scratch if I wanted to implement all the ideas I had floating around in my head to make the software even better, and Movie Draft was born.

So why the name change?

Well, SceneWriter Pro doesn't sell a lot of copies. It was never anything that was going to earn me a living, but for all of its failings it does have a lot of die-hard followers, so I decided to keep SceneWriter Pro available for download for my existing users for the time being and strike out with a new name and a new start with Movie Draft, and this time I'd try and earn a living from it. (There were other possible names, but Movie Draft just kinda sounded right)

But Movie Draft is Mac-only, and SceneWriter Pro is PC-only...

Ah yes, that's very true. I guess you'll have to watch this space... ;-) But in the meantime, if you need a PC-version you can buy SceneWriter Pro and upgrade to Movie Draft when (hush, hush) the Windows version is released.

Movie Draft can open SceneWriter Pro documents so you won't lose any work.

Here's to a new era, a new beginning, and a new name. Movie Draft.



  1. you should have sold a zillion copies of scenewriter because its far superior to Final Draft. PS I think Final draft are copying you're work now. Best of luck with Movie Draft.

  2. Hi Mark:
    I did a lot of research, downloaded the demo version of the software, and watched twice your instructions video trying out stuff on the demo...pretty cool. I love the uncluttered view options, and the "work in one scene" idea. Thanks for this great new product so far. Before buying it, I've several question, and I hope you can answer them asap:

    (1.) Is the format a standard one, same as the other softwares out there in the market, including Final Draft? I'm talking in terms of inches (left&right) and spaces between lines and paragraphs... The reason I'm asking is because the Cover Page doesn't look like a standard one...The title seems a bit too high on the page, and you say (in the video) that "you get what you see".
    (2.) Looks like you use Tab to execute short-cut commands... I+Tab=INT. This is convenient for left handed 'cause Tab is on the left. Is it a way to switch to Enter or Shift on the right side ...I'm right handed:)
    (3.) One of the bad reviews noted that the software can't save a document in PDF format. Sometimes reviews are intentional to harm and sponsored by competitors, so what's your comment on this?
    (4.) Another bad review noted problems with IMPORTING scripts from other sources. If I've a script in Microsoft Word that is formatted with headers and tabs, do I need to un-format it all and then import it unformatted into MovieDraft, or it doesn't matter?
    (5.) NOTES, can they be printed as a whole (all notes together, in order they appear in the script), and as separate? For example, if a note has a list of materials I need to check out from the library, it would be handy to be able to print it out. Maybe Right-click on the note, and the Print option would be appreciated.
    (6.) LEFT SIDE of the screen that lists Acts and Scenes, can it be saved in a separate document, to be used then as a scratch version of outline? Also, can it be printed separate, again to be used for the outline. It would be great if the cards version could be printed in cards format...just to get the execs distracted and amused LOL

    Again, thank you for the product you offer; it looks really good so far. Very original! I look forward to having your answers.

  3. I apologise for the delay - I had turned on "moderated" posts but I wasn't receiving any notifications when people were posting so I've turned it off now.

    @Lotep: Why do you think FD are copying my work, Lotep?

    @Practical Quesitons:

    1. Yes, Standard format
    2. Tab and Enter are used.
    3. You can create a PDF in any Mac program by going to the Print menu and choosing "Save as PDF"
    4. Movie Draft can open Microsoft Word files directly, or you can always save it as plain text (*.txt) to open it in MD if you have problems.
    5. Not currently, but that's planned for a future release.
    6. You could save a document as a scratch version then open that as a starting point each time, just don't save over it.

    Please feel free to try out the demo on the website or let me know if you have any other questions.


  4. Mark, is there a way to purchase your program directly? I have a trouble ticket with Apple, but I'm in "cannot save" trial purgatory right now. And, I am having MAJOR problems purchasing through the website link to the App store. I cannot find your program when I search the "Move Draft" name on (US) Itunes App Store.

    Can you please email me with any insight you can provide. Thank you in advance.

  5. @NO Blogger Account: Not currently I'm afraid.

  6. I'm looking forward to Movie Draft. Just a suggestion: I also am a programmer (primarily C), and have found for commercial, larger-scale applications, you're a better off beginning in Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, etc.), and spending some serious time architecting it in a clean object structure. Transforming that to Mac and the various Windows flavors is far less difficult than beginning in Mac or Windows and trying to create the other. At least that's been my experience.

  7. Hi Mark, I've been using SWP for years now and absolutely love it! As one of the current beta testers on Mac, I am concerned about the fact that the current beta will expire on 11/11/11. Do I need to upgrade to Movie Draft to be able to continue using the software?

  8. Hey! Thanks for all your hard work. I absolutely love Scenewriter Pro!

    On a different subject: My Scenewriter Pro refuses to open projects. Instead, I receive error codes. Everything appears to be in tact, though I am now unable to work on my projects. Is there a resolution to this issue?

  9. Mark,
    Back in 2005 I purchased your SceneWriter Pro and was very happy with it; however, I have lost my copy and now cannot open my screenplay. Can you help me? My new email address is I have a copy of my registered owner number.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
