Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The Mac App Store - Review Problems

If you own Movie Draft SE and you like it, please read this...

Well, it's been a few weeks now since I released Movie Draft SE on the Mac App Store and I've had two blatant low-rating competitor reviews. These are manufactured reviews put there by competitors to try and tarnish Movie Draft SE's rating and credibility.

How do I know that they're competitor reviews? Simple:

1. They never contacted me for support.
2. They make false allegations about Movie Draft SE. None of which is true.
3. There's a free demo of Movie Draft SE available from my website for the user to try out before purchasing.

For the last "review" on the US Mac App Store (you'd have to click on the flag at the bottom of the screen to change countries), the user "Goldentype" accused Movie Draft SE for converting all of his/her Final Draft files into Movie Draft SE files. Movie Draft SE does no such thing, and anyone who has ever used Movie Draft SE will know this.

The trouble is, Movie Draft SE is brand-new software and I'm trying my hardest to make a living from it and any negative manufactured reviews can do nothing but damage my business, which in turn means I'll have less sales, which in turn means I'll have less money to support myself with, which in turn means that eventually I'd have to give up Movie Draft development and find a job and eat from the streets. Ok, maybe not, but you get the picture...

I certainly don't want that to happen as I want to make Movie Draft the best possible tool out there for writing screenplays, but I'm not Apple or any other large company that can take competitor reviews on the chin. I just don't have that following yet.


But you can help!

If you have bought Movie Draft SE - and you really like it - then would you be so kind as to leave a fair and favourable written review? I know that's probably a lot to ask of your time but as there is NO WAY of contacting customers on the Mac App Store, or even to respond to a review, the only thing that will help at this time is if more people leave honest, positive reviews to counter the manufactured ones.

You never know, it may just work.

Thanks in advance for your help, guys. I appreciate it.



  1. A couple things: It's not obvious on the app store listing that you have a demo version available. I found it on your site after I went looking for it because there's no way would I buy software outright without trying it. Secondly, you should get away from keeping Movie Draft as an app store exclusive. It limits you (limited customer interaction, no trial, etc.). You should also consider selling it from your own site and perhaps also have some kind of activation mechanism that unlocks the demo and converts it to the full version (this eliminates the hassle of removing the demo and installing the full version separately).

    Just some thoughts.

  2. Hi Frail, yes I completely agree with the need to have my own site to sell Movie Draft from. It's in the near pipeline but unfortunately I'm having to wear many hats at the moment so things take a little bit more time to come to fruition as a one man band. I'll get there, though :-). As for the demo, you have a point there too but in respect of this particular "review" because points 1 and 2 never happened I doubt point 3 would have made a difference on this occasion. Thanks for your thoughts. Mark.

  3. Regardless of context, all I'm saying is that there's no telling from your app store listing that there is a demo on your site to try first. So they buy the app, don't like it and then complain that they're stuck with it. This obviously is part Apple's fault because they don't allow demo or trial versions, but I would add some wording to the app description saying to visit your site for a demo version before buying.

  4. Agreed. I have updated the listing on the Mac App Store so that potential customers are aware that there's a demo available. To be honest I didn't think this would be allowed but it seems to have gone through ok. :-) Thanks for the nudge, Frail. Mark.

  5. Yeah, Apple might be iffy about that. I say leave it unless they tell you to take it down (if they do). It's good for you and it's good for your customers. Not being able to try software before you buy it is ludicrous.

  6. Bizarrely, the latest "troll" post on the Mac App Store has been removed. I can only assume by Apple. In which case - Hurrah for Apple! Small steps, but we're getting there... :-)

  7. I want to thank you Mark for taking the time to help me through all of the issues I've been having! For you to take the time to help me with Mac-related issues that were not related to your software was something you didn't have to do and I am very grateful! As for the software itself, it's been awesome! So easy to maneuver through!! I LOVED writing in this program! Well worth every penny!!

  8. Hey Mark, I have MDSE. Copy paste still is not working. When I write away from my computer (on my phone), I will email myself the writing. When I copy them and try to paste in a scene. It is all gibberish. What am I doing wrong? Also copy and pasting from the notes area does the same thing...

  9. I can not speak highly enough about MDSE. It has imporved my development of story and writing of script. It combined both my use of index cards, the board, the scriptwriting software.
    I love the ability to move the board around at ease, draft scenes, duplicate scenes, hide scenes... I am the believer in Sat The Cat method so this allows me such freedom to experiment... and it's $30.... WhooHoo!

  10. @jaxln & @George: Thank you. I appreciate it.

    @Syz: Yes, certain users are experiencing an encoding problem with Copy/Paste which I have fixed for the next release.

    I apologise for the delay - I had turned on "moderated" posts but I wasn't receiving any notifications when people were posting so I've turned it off now.

  11. Hi,

    I have imported my Word script to Movie Draf but I don´t know how to change the language from English to Spanish. Would you please tell me how or what to do?

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

  12. This tutorial is indeed useful On Buy App Store Reviews. I have just downloaded it. Thanks again.

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